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Annual Banned Book Bash (Sept. 28th)

FUNDRAISER for Peninsula Book Collaborative

Saturday, September 28
5:30-8:00 pm
Peninsula Books (441 Westlake Center)

Join us for a night of celebrating banned books and the freedom to read. We will have banned books available for purchase, silent auction items, and more. Learn how to get involved to “liberate” books and what banned books need to be added to your your TBR list.  Light refreshments will be served.

Reception & Silent Auction begins at 5:30 pm
Silent Auction ends at 7:30 pm


Tickets are $20 and includes light refreshments.

We have a limited amount of free teacher tickets so register today!


Thanks to our donors/sponsors:

Balletto Vineyard
Bark Box
Charles Schulz Museum
Jill Eisenberg
Raquel Espana & Nadia Thind
Hafner Vineyard
J.Lohr Wines
Kendra Scott
Shauna Lobre
SF Giants
Stag’s Leap
Sibby’s Cupcakes
Six Flags Discovery Kindom
Tanya Beat
Total Wine & More

One Year Birthday Bash

Join us at Gilman Brewery for our one year anniversary as an organization. We will have book themed trivia, food, drinks, and more. Teachers and library staff – we have set aside some free tickets for you! Choose the teacher/library ticket option when registering.

Join us there or become a sponsor.

If you cannot make, please consider to still make a donation to help us grow.

Getting to Sorry with Susan McCarthy (Author Discussion)

Author Talk: Getting to Sorry

We all recognize terrible apologies. You’ve probably gotten a few. Excuse-laden, blame-shifting, weaselly offerings can fracture friendships and family bonds, harm businesses, and damage workplace relationships.

Join Susan share about the book and discuss apologies. Learn how to elicit better apologies, how to offer great ones, and how to teach kids how to apologize.


Event is free

Community Events begin this weekend

Upcoming Events

Since we opened in the fall, people have asked us if we will be hosting events. As an all volunteer led organization, we are relying heavily on volunteers who are interested in creating or hosting events.  Thanks to these amazing volunteers and community partners, we now have some great events coming up! Head over to to learn more details about any of the events or subscribe to our calendar.

We look forward to seeing you soon!


Saturday, January 20 at 11 am -Storytime with Eden

Friday, January 26 at 6 pm- Author Talk with local author Stacey Bowen

Sunday, January 28 at 3 pm – Storytime with Kenia


Saturday, February 3 at 11 am – Storytime with Eden

Sunday, February 4 from 11-4 pm – Book Giveaway for teachers

Saturday, February 10 at 6 pm – Film Screening “Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop” co-hosted by Daly City Youth Poet Laureate

Sunday, February 11 at 2 pm – Silent Book Club co-hosted by @Skyline.Bookbox


Banned Book Bash

“It doesn’t always feel like you’re banning the book itself. Sometimes it feels like you’re banning the people who those books are about, that you’re saying that those lives are lives that should only exist in the shadows.” – Jason Reynolds


Thank you for celebrating Banned Book Week. Every fall, libraries and bookstores come together to celebrate the freedom to read.

At our Banned Book Bash, everyone had the opportunity to play Banned Book Bingo. Below are the links for the Bingo card and the answer key.

Banned Book Bingo

Banned Book Bingo Answer Key


While we are still looking for a permanent home, you can support us by purchasing books through our Bookshop site and we will receive a portion of the proceeds.  Here is our Banned Book List. Thank you and happy reading!



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